Abbreviations, Acronyms and Initialisms
4X2 = 2 Wheel Drive
4X4 = 4 Wheel Drive
4WD = 4 Wheel Drive
5er = Fifth Wheel
5ver = Fifth Wheel
AC = Air Conditioning or Alternating Current as in 120VAC
AMP = Amperes
ATF = Automatic Transmission Fluid
BC = Brake Controller
BLM or BOLM = Bureau Of Land Management
BTW = By The Way
CAPS = Capital Letters. Using all CAPS is considered SCREAMING
CC = Crew Cab of a TV (4 Door)
CCC = Cargo Carrying Capacity
CF = Camp Fire
CG = Camp Ground
COE = Corp of Engineers (US Army)
CRS = Can't Remember Shi... Dang CSR, I forgot the next letter
CW = Camping World
D/A = Duramax/Alison (Chevrolet or GMC)
DC = Direct Current as in 12VDC
DH = Darling Hubby or Husband, Dear Hubby, Da%& Hubby, Designated Hitter (baseball)
Dinghy = See Toad
DRW = Dual Rear Wheels
Dooley = Dual Rear Wheels
DS = Dump Station
DSL = Digital Subscriber Line
Dually = Dual Rear Wheels
DP = Diesel Pusher as used in an MH
DW = Dear Wife, Darling Wife, Da%& Wife, Dim Wit, Dish Washer (same as Dear Wife), Darryl Waltrip (NASCAR)
EC = Extended Cab of a TV
EPDM = Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (Rubber Roofing)
ERS = Emergency Road Service
ESP = Extended Service Plan
FAQ or FAQs = Frequently Asked Questions
FHU = Full Hook Up
FIVER = 5th Wheel
FT = Full Time
Furry Kids = Pets
FW = Fifth Wheel
FWIW = For What It's Worth
FYI = For Your Information
G8R = Gator
GPS = Global Positioning System or Satellite
GAWR or GAW = Gross Axle Weight Rating
GCVW or GCW = Gross Combined Vehicle Weight
GCWR = Gross Combination Weight Rating
GTWR = Gross Trailer Weight Rating
GVW or GVWR = Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
GOB = Good ol' Boy
HD = Heavy Duty
HH = Happy Hour
IBSRV = International Brotherhood/Sisterhood of RVers
IMO = In My Opinion
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IP = Internet Provider
ISP = Internet Service Provider (sometimes written DISP = Da$& Internet Service Provider)
HWH = Hot Water Heater (Why would you heat hot water?)
L8R = Later
L8R G8R = Later Gator
LMAO = Laughing My A__ Off
LB = Long Box or Bed of a Tow Vehicle
LOL = Laughing Out Loud , Lots Of Luck, Lots Of Love
LT = Light Truck tires(as in LT245 tires)
MDT = Medium Duty Truck
MOC = Montana Owners Club
MH = Motor Home
MTCW = My Two Cents Worth
NCC = Net Carrying Capacity
NPS = National Park Service
OALAEHO = Opinions Are Like A__holes, Everybody Has One
OEM = Original Equipement by the Manufacturer
PDI = Pre-Delivery Inspection
PSD = Power Stroke Diesel (Ford}
PU = Pop Up
PW = Pressure Washer
Qs = Question(s)
RGV = Rio Grande Valley
ROTFLOL = Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud
ROTFLMAO = Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A__ Off
RV = Recreational Vehicle
SB = Short Box or Bed of a Tow Vehicle
SCWR = Sleeping Capacity Weight Rating
SKP = Escapee
SOB = Some Other Brand
SP = State Park
SRW = Single Rear Wheels
ST = Trailer tires (as in ST225)
TC = Truck camper
TH = Toy Tauler
TMI = Too Much Information
TOAD = A vehicle towed behind a MH
TP = Toilet Paper
Trlr = Trailer
TT = Travel Trailer
TV = Tow Vehicle and on a rare occasion TeleVision
TWR/TLR/VLR = Tongue Weight, Tongue Load, Vertical Load Rating
VIN = Vehicle Identification Number (Serial Number)
URL = Uniform Resource Locator (WWW Address)
UVW or UVWR = Unloaded Vehicle Weight Rating
WallyWorld = Wal*Mart
WD or W/D = Washer/Dryer
WD = Weight Distribution (hitch)
WES = Water/Electric/Sewer
Wi-Fi or WiFi = Wireless Fidelity
WWW = World Wide Web (the Internet) And Finally....
HTH = Hope This Helps
4X4 = 4 Wheel Drive
4WD = 4 Wheel Drive
5er = Fifth Wheel
5ver = Fifth Wheel
AC = Air Conditioning or Alternating Current as in 120VAC
AMP = Amperes
ATF = Automatic Transmission Fluid
BC = Brake Controller
BLM or BOLM = Bureau Of Land Management
BTW = By The Way
CAPS = Capital Letters. Using all CAPS is considered SCREAMING
CC = Crew Cab of a TV (4 Door)
CCC = Cargo Carrying Capacity
CF = Camp Fire
CG = Camp Ground
COE = Corp of Engineers (US Army)
CRS = Can't Remember Shi... Dang CSR, I forgot the next letter
CW = Camping World
D/A = Duramax/Alison (Chevrolet or GMC)
DC = Direct Current as in 12VDC
DH = Darling Hubby or Husband, Dear Hubby, Da%& Hubby, Designated Hitter (baseball)
Dinghy = See Toad
DRW = Dual Rear Wheels
Dooley = Dual Rear Wheels
DS = Dump Station
DSL = Digital Subscriber Line
Dually = Dual Rear Wheels
DP = Diesel Pusher as used in an MH
DW = Dear Wife, Darling Wife, Da%& Wife, Dim Wit, Dish Washer (same as Dear Wife), Darryl Waltrip (NASCAR)
EC = Extended Cab of a TV
EPDM = Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (Rubber Roofing)
ERS = Emergency Road Service
ESP = Extended Service Plan
FAQ or FAQs = Frequently Asked Questions
FHU = Full Hook Up
FIVER = 5th Wheel
FT = Full Time
Furry Kids = Pets
FW = Fifth Wheel
FWIW = For What It's Worth
FYI = For Your Information
G8R = Gator
GPS = Global Positioning System or Satellite
GAWR or GAW = Gross Axle Weight Rating
GCVW or GCW = Gross Combined Vehicle Weight
GCWR = Gross Combination Weight Rating
GTWR = Gross Trailer Weight Rating
GVW or GVWR = Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
GOB = Good ol' Boy
HD = Heavy Duty
HH = Happy Hour
IBSRV = International Brotherhood/Sisterhood of RVers
IMO = In My Opinion
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IP = Internet Provider
ISP = Internet Service Provider (sometimes written DISP = Da$& Internet Service Provider)
HWH = Hot Water Heater (Why would you heat hot water?)
L8R = Later
L8R G8R = Later Gator
LMAO = Laughing My A__ Off
LB = Long Box or Bed of a Tow Vehicle
LOL = Laughing Out Loud , Lots Of Luck, Lots Of Love
LT = Light Truck tires(as in LT245 tires)
MDT = Medium Duty Truck
MOC = Montana Owners Club
MH = Motor Home
MTCW = My Two Cents Worth
NCC = Net Carrying Capacity
NPS = National Park Service
OALAEHO = Opinions Are Like A__holes, Everybody Has One
OEM = Original Equipement by the Manufacturer
PDI = Pre-Delivery Inspection
PSD = Power Stroke Diesel (Ford}
PU = Pop Up
PW = Pressure Washer
Qs = Question(s)
RGV = Rio Grande Valley
ROTFLOL = Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud
ROTFLMAO = Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A__ Off
RV = Recreational Vehicle
SB = Short Box or Bed of a Tow Vehicle
SCWR = Sleeping Capacity Weight Rating
SKP = Escapee
SOB = Some Other Brand
SP = State Park
SRW = Single Rear Wheels
ST = Trailer tires (as in ST225)
TC = Truck camper
TH = Toy Tauler
TMI = Too Much Information
TOAD = A vehicle towed behind a MH
TP = Toilet Paper
Trlr = Trailer
TT = Travel Trailer
TV = Tow Vehicle and on a rare occasion TeleVision
TWR/TLR/VLR = Tongue Weight, Tongue Load, Vertical Load Rating
VIN = Vehicle Identification Number (Serial Number)
URL = Uniform Resource Locator (WWW Address)
UVW or UVWR = Unloaded Vehicle Weight Rating
WallyWorld = Wal*Mart
WD or W/D = Washer/Dryer
WD = Weight Distribution (hitch)
WES = Water/Electric/Sewer
Wi-Fi or WiFi = Wireless Fidelity
WWW = World Wide Web (the Internet) And Finally....
HTH = Hope This Helps
This helpful and sometimes sarcastic tongue in cheek list of abbreviations was the brain child of our first and best Webmaster, Glenn Adams.